It's time to talk about the convention meeting! We gathered in the auditorium of the Whaling Museum. Registration was just outside under the whale bones. As people came in they got a name tag, ribbons designating the region in which you live, and the number of parks visited if over 100. Other ribbons exist for new members, charter members, and those attending their first convention. It makes for a great icebreaker when meeting new people.
This layout is based on
challenge 8 from the September World-wide Virtual Crop. I surprised myself by being able to trim all of the photos to 4x4 blocks without losing any of the details of the image. I trimmed a mat card (bottom right) to fill in the last spot. I had hoped for a journal card there but nothing looked right so I journaled under a photo. The vertical photo in the sketch was replaced with a slightly larger block to accommodate the name badges for me and my husband. The row across the middle is comprised of small blocks punched from a variety of mat cards and scrap paper, all with nautical themes. It was a great way to use up scraps.
One of the highlights of the convention meeting is awarding club members. On the left page, we awarded those who completed "Platinum" status--that's visiting all of the national parks in the country by the date of their last visit. A few people have had to extend their quest as a new park was announced before getting to what they had hoped was their last park. There are over 400 park units (including not only the BIG national parks like Yellowstone and Yosemite, but battlefields such as Gettysburg, seashores, historic homes, and monuments). It is definitely an achievement!
On the right page, we presented David Kroese (Cardinal Dave) with the Dennis Bandley Award. This was named in honor of one of the charter member's husbands who was always helpful to other club members. Dave had posted a humorous anecdote in the forums about meeting a mountain lion. When another club member realized that Dave was going to get the award he wanted to also present him with a stuffed mountain lion. It was a great addition to the event!

This layout is Challenge 7 from the CM Virtual Crop. The papers and stickers are from an older National Scrapbook Day pack. I've bought extra of the paper over the years to make all the borders in the original kit but decided against the borders later. Now I'm just using the papers to finish beach pages or party pages based on the colors and decor. I chose the pink/coral background based on the shirts we wore at the convention (the North Atlantic ink color is sort of yellow/orange). The brown banners across the top are stickers from the kit.