The club met at one of the picnic pavilions for our Friday get together. There are also individual picnic tables (shown below) which can be turned to provide shade. They remind me of sailboats a little. Dinner was nice, but it was just fun to talk to all my friends I hadn't seen in quite a while.
This layout is from Club Scrap. I had only purchased the "cut apart" sheets for the picnic theme and had to supplement the designer paper and background pages with items from my stash (which is not a bad way to use up product). The blue/green stripe paper came from the Cool Serenity line that I had used on the first White Sands pages so this became the perfect way to move to the dinner portion of the park. Notice that the original layout on the bottom right calls for 3 vertical photos cut small and angled. But, I had 2 horizontal photos that bridged those 3 spaces and I like that EVEN BETTER!
After dinner, we joined 2 of the park rangers for a walk along the dunes while they told us all about the park. It was a large group but we all managed to stay together and the walk was quite pleasant. Until we turned around and realized that there was a storm brewing behind us and it was heading straight for us! The rangers gathered us all together and herded us back to the pavilion. The "sand" storm (as I said last week, it's really gypsum) created a great exfoliating facial (has to be some sort of silver lining right?) and while uncomfortable as we walked through it was not truly damaging. Once back at the pavilion we did have time to get our junior rangers sworn in before heading home for the day.

These 2 pages were created using Photo Dies. The left page uses the hexagon from Kit #6, while the right uses Kit #18. I probably need to buy a few more as they have some nice new designs. I like the concept of the page stencils (Lea France and Creative Memories both make those) but I don't have the evenness when cutting and I'm always disappointed in how they turn out. With photo dies, the cuts are perfect every time and because it's a 2-sided die, it cuts the frame and the photo simultaneously. That also leaves the inner mat as another shape and on the left page, I was able to use those to fill the corners. Those were filled with fussy-cut photos and titles and the page was complete!